Rebekah Flores, a junior in Berkeley Connect Social Welfare, created this post to capture all the great advice students shared with each other at a recent Berkeley Connect session:
We invited students participating in Berkeley Connect in Spring 2019 to enter our Student Voice Contest and share with us a memorable experience they had in Berkeley Connect. The winning entry below was written by Michelle Zhou, a first-year Psychology student...Read more about My Favorite Berkeley Connect Moment: Sweet Time in the Garden
Do you think of learning as an activity primarily done indoors, in a generic classroom with uncomfortable chairs? A recent Berkeley Connect Social Welfare field trip shattered that stereotype. Students got a breath of fresh air as they walked around the Berkeley Botanical Garden in the hills...Read more about An Outdoor Education
Students who are interested in making a difference in the world have to sift through a bewildering array of opportunities available to them here on campus. To help with this process, a panel of students who have been involved with the LEAD Center, Peace Corps, and Public Service Center recently...Read more about Finding opportunities for engagement in social work
Berkeley is known for its rich history of student activism. Since the Free Speech Movement that UC Berkeley students instigated back in the 1960s, the protest culture has remained alive and well here on campus. This was the subject of a recent Berkeley Connect Social Welfare discussion.